
About Nepal Children

Children of Nepal contribute to 30% of its 30 million population, that’s around 9 million are below 16 years of age. Nearly 6 million Children in Nepal are without basic need and access to good health, home and education system.

What type of Children are accepted?

We accept extremely poor Children whose parents do not have home and struggling to survive. Orphans that has lost father or mother or both. We do not accept recommendation, our team will diagnose the situation and chose which child deserves our attention.

A girl from earth quake zone in Nepal is being accepted and hugged by her sponsor in Nepal

Duration of the Support

We generally take care of kids until he/she reaches class 10 and graduates from the School. If the sponsored child fail to meet the expectation of the host and the sponsor, the child is released from the obligation to support. He she may be returned to their closes relatives. If the sponsor is satisfied with all the result and progress of the child, sponsor have right to continue to support the child upon mutual understanding and agreement.

What support covers?

Their sponsor amount covers their school admission, monthly fees, books, copies and bag, transportation, bed and food, and general medical bills.