I am honored and very happy to bring this update to you. It just needs two minutes to read what Children have to say. Hearing Children is Loving Children.
I want to thank you so much for your support for the Children. They are here because of you, rescued and well-kept, safe, going to school, healthy, growing physically, mentally and spiritually.
Some Children are not like them, they are homeless, loveless, no school, no proper clothing, no education, abused and living life like hell.

What happens when you don’t support?
Trafficking agents enter the homes of vulnerable Children. They Promise Child’s guardian of a better life like education, food and shelter. The agents give money to parents and parents agree to give their child to the agent, and the agents tell them to not tell anyone. When they are taken away, the children are forced to do heavy labor, beaten, no school and no rest. If any child raises their voice the boss will say I paid for you. They become slaves and are deprived of their privileges.
Our Children are very lucky to find you. Their lives have been changed because of you and we have done our best to keep them well. This gathering of all the Children will help them live a God-fearing life in the future.
The Children of the King Camping 2024
The Children of the King Camping is for all Children that we support, bring them together in one place, for a time of retreat, prayer and motivation. This is a special moment for all of them, getting to know each other and enjoying the spiritual fellowship for encouragement and motivation, to put their trust in God.
I would like to have The Children of the King Camping 2020 program in an orphanage in Urlabari during this Christmas. Just as we are happy this Christmas, I want these precious Children also to be happy. I would like to give them new clothes, food and specially motivation that they are precious in the sight of God. We will have a fun time together, dance and celebrate together, sing, ask questions about life and so on. Some Children are in their final year of School and will be soon graduating. With your help, we would love to gather all the kids from all locations together for a Christmas camp. It will be time to celebrate, receive encouragement as well as give few presents to remind them how special and loved they are. So please help.
Ashika then and now. Ashika in 2015 and Ashika in 2024.

In a year that has been difficult for the whole world, please help us celebrate these Children and remind them that they are not forgotten.
How much is the expense?
- Transportation, $600.
- Food, $700.
- Christmas Gifts to Each Child, $600
- Winter Jacket/Sweater/Clothes, $600
- Electricity, Water, Music System Renting, $230.
- Emergency Fund, $150.
- Total for Children Program, USD 2880
I want to say thank you so very much for your faithful and sacrificial generosity for these precious Children.
Program Itineraries
Children of the King Camping 2024
Day 1, 22 December
Arrival, Orientation, Welcome Song and Dance by Yashika & Team, Dinner, Rest.
Day 2, 23 December
6am: Early Morning Prayer by Reuben Rai, and Breakfast
8am: Practice & Rehearsal and Decoration of the Program hall
11am: Lunch in orphanage and Uniform distribution.
12pm: Group Photo, Sightseeing and Prayer walk.
4pm: Christmas Carol Participation in Hosanna Apostolic Church.
6:30pm: Dinner and return to Orphanage Hostel.
7:30pm: Movie Time: Pilgrim Progress Cartoon Movie.
10pm: Night Devotion and Rest.
Day 3, 24 December
5:30am: Early Morning Prayer & Devotion led by Reuben, fresh time and breakfast.
7:30am: Worship,
8:30am: Draw your best picture and Dance.
11am: Bible Quiz.
12pm: Lunch & TV time.
2:pm: Drama & Dance.
3:30pm: Motivation Message.
4:30pm: Tea time and Carol.
7pm: Return to Orphanage hostel, Christian Movie time: Naya Goreto (Nepali).
9pm, Night Devotion, Rest.
Day 4, 25 December (Christmas Day)
5:30am: Early Morning Devotion, Breakfast and Travel.
7:30am: Worship,
9am: Group Dance, Songs & Drama, by all centers and message.
12pm: Lunch, River Side Walk and Photos, BBQ (Outdoor), Farewell Gifts to Graduates, Photo Session.
5pm: Dinner in orphanage
7:pm: Thanks Giving Prayer and Movie time.
10pm: Rest/Sleep
Day 5, 26 December
5:30 Early Morning Prayer and Break Fast.
8:30am, Mountain Prayer and Sightseeing, Dry Lunch. (Kanyam Tea Garden visit).
2pm, Return to Orphanage, Mall visit on the way.
6pm: Dinner and Prayer Meeting, and Movie time, Rest.
Day 6, 27 December
6AM: Departure.
Once again, thank you for all your help during the difficult times like earthquakes, poverty and homelessness. Your help is valuable. If you were not there, I don’t know what these children might have become. I sincerely appreciate your generosity.
Together for the Orphans and Poor.
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